Saturday, September 1, 2007

Religion-Why do people care?

--Originally posted on January 15, 2007

The other night I was bored and was surfing around on the internet and ran across an article in a newspaper. It was about Mitt Romney and his run for president. The article was basically about how he was a member of the LDS Church and how a lot of people were reacting to that part of his life. The article as a whole was very non-biased, and, I thought, was pretty spot on. At the bottom of the article was a place where you could post comments about the article. It was full of people trashing the LDS Church.

I am a member of the church, and it made me really irritated that people would write such negative things. I have never in my life said anything bad about other churches or other people's beliefs. I think that every person has a right to believe in their own religon and why should it matter in a campaign for president. The comments that were made were completely false. Even if you have had a bad experience with someone from a certain church, at least get all the information before you start bashing that church. I couldn't believe some of the things I read. I had never heard some of the stories before, and I thought I was up on what the outside world was thinking. Horns? Come on....we don't live in the 18th century. Really, has anyone ever seen anyone with horns......And please...the polygamy thing hasn't happened for well over a 100 years. I don't think I could ever do something like that anyway, and my husband thinks the same thing. How could a man put up with more than one boss?

Another thing that bothers me a little is that people don't think we are Christians. We believe in Jesus Christ. All you need to do is ask and we will be willing to tell you what we believe. Or, you can go out to all the anti mormon websites and get the wrong information from someone that wants you to believe the worst about us.

Anyway, I guess I just don't understand where the hate comes from. The LDS Church is always one of the first to help people in emergency situations. The church helps us be good people. I know there are people out there that are "bad" mormons, but I also know a lot of people out there that are of other religons or aren't of any religon that are "bad" too. I have been to many different churches with my friends, and at each one I find something that is wonderful. I think when people worship God it helps them to want to be better people.

I guess all I am trying to say is that, why does what people believe have to be judged. You don't have to believe what I believe. I won't hold that against you, but can't I believe what I want? Can't you look at me and see an honest person trying to do what's best for me and my family? All I am trying to do is raise my children with values that will help them be better people.